What is an ATAR?

Do you know what ATAR is? If you’re a student in Australia, you’re probably familiar with the term. However, if you’re not, don’t worry – we’re here to explain it. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a ranking system used to determine entry into most undergraduate courses in Australian universities.

So, how does it work? The ATAR is calculated based on a student’s overall performance in their final year of secondary education, and it’s a percentile ranking that indicates a student’s position relative to all other students who completed the same year 12 curriculum at the same time. The ATAR is calculated by the relevant state or territory authorities based on a student’s scores in their best four subjects, which can include English, maths, science, humanities, and languages. Each subject is given a score out of 50, and these scores are combined to determine a student’s aggregate score. The aggregate score is then scaled to determine the student’s ATAR, which ranges from 0 to 99.95.

It’s important to note that the ATAR is not an actual score or mark but rather a rank. Universities use the ATAR to determine which students will be offered a place in their courses, with the highest-ranked students having the greatest chance of receiving an offer. However, it’s worth noting that the ATAR is just one of many factors that universities consider when making offers, and some courses may have additional selection criteria, such as interviews or portfolio assessments.

It’s also important to understand that the ATAR is not the only pathway to university. There are other options available, such as TAFE (Technical and Further Education) courses, vocational education and training (VET) courses, and bridging programs. These pathways can provide alternative routes to tertiary education, and students should consider all their options before making a decision.

While the ATAR is an important consideration for students who wish to attend university, it’s not the be-all and end-all. Students should strive to achieve their personal best in their final year of secondary education and explore all their options for tertiary education. It’s also important to seek advice from teachers, careers advisors, and other professionals who can provide guidance on the various pathways available.

In conclusion, the ATAR is a percentile ranking system used to determine entry into most undergraduate courses in Australian universities. It’s important to understand that the ATAR is just one of many factors that universities consider when making offers, and that there are other pathways to tertiary education available. Students should strive to achieve their personal best and seek advice from professionals when considering their options for further study.

One comment

  1. Thanks for the helpful overview of the ATAR system. As a student preparing for my final exams, can you recommend any tips for achieving a high ATAR score? Thanks!

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