Register for our FREE webinar now!

Scheduled: 1 June 2023, 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Join our free webinar, where you will learn more about the selective entry process into Brisbane State High School (BSHS), Queensland Academies (QA), Brisbane Grammar School (BGS) and more. 

Our experienced hosts, ex-BSHS and ex-QA students, will share all their best tips and tricks to increase your child’s chances of admission into these highly competitive schools.

During the session, we will even demonstrate how to approach practice test questions, so be sure to bring your child along as well as some pen and paper!

Please do ask as many questions as possible throughout this jam-packed session.

Registration spots are limited, so be sure not to miss out.

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Number of attendees
Are you a student or parent/guardian?
What year are you or your child in?
Which selective schools are you interested in?
Would you like to receive exclusive tips and resources about the selective entry process in the future?


How can I register for the webinar?

Registration for the webinar can be done by filling the form out above.

What topics will be covered?

The webinar will cover essential topics such as the application process, exam strategies, study techniques, sample questions, and insights into the selective entry process for high schools.

Is the webinar suitable for parents or students?

The webinar is designed to benefit both parents and students. It provides valuable information and guidance for parents to support their child’s preparation, while also offering specific tips and strategies for students.

How long will the webinar last?

How long will the selective entry webinar last?
The webinar will run for approximately 1 hour and will include interactive sessions, practical advice, and opportunities to ask questions.

What schools and exams will be covered?

Brisbane State High School and Queensland Academies are the two featured schools, along with their corresponding academic entrance exams: HAST by ACER and EduTest, respectively. These exams are used by a range of schools, so there is still a lot to gain from this session.

Who will be hosting the webinar?

The webinar will be hosted by our experienced instructors who have a deep understanding of the selective entry exams and admissions process. They are also past BSHS and QASMT attenders, having gone through the rigorous selection process.